Yes, exactly this. Don’t sell to family on a personal level. If they work at a company and the company wants to commission a piece, fine. But if it’s coming out of their pocket, either don’t charge family or don’t do it at all.
Yes, exactly this. Don’t sell to family on a personal level. If they work at a company and the company wants to commission a piece, fine. But if it’s coming out of their pocket, either don’t charge family or don’t do it at all.
Yeah this is very tricky. One problem: most well-trained nannies won’t get paid enough to make it worth it. It’s already hard to find a good candidate to drive your kids to activities, because that’s only 1-2 hours of work tops, and it means the nanny isn’t able to take another job. After-school is prime nanny time, and a good nanny charges ~$27 an hour on average. So they’d rather take a 3-4 hour job that doesn’t require constant driving vs 1-2 hours of pick-up/drop-off.