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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023

  • First of call, CONGRATS! Take a moment to realize you are successful. To have multiple interested buyers is amazing!

    A few things to consider:

    1. Make a pro/con list on paper for each company and if you keep the company and don’t sell. I’m sure you’re doing this, but sometimes the physical act of writing helps you think through things in a different manner.
    2. If you feel like you want to keep going, is there a way to partner with the potential buyer vs outright selling the company?
    3. Do you have a second in command? Someone that knows the business and shows interest is growing with you and the company? If so, it could be worthwhile to delegate authority and have them handle the daily operations while you focus on strategy, growth, and client relationships.

    Hope this helps. Best of luck. And remember, you deserve this, the hard work and sacrifices you’ve made up to this point have made this opportunity real! Maybe if you have some capital in hand, another idea comes along that you could explore.