i think getpallas.io is that kind of company
It takes a lot of time and manual work. Ask people, a lot of people.
Read the mom test and go ask around.
If you sell landing pages to people and they can’t check on your nice landing page advertising your business, there is a problem.
Why don’t you build an excellent landing page to advertise your business and refer people to it? If someone selling me a product can’t do it for themselves, how can i trust them?
In business, it’s a little bit like the far-west. People are after your money and their are only a few rules.
So yes, do get used to having challenging conversations, otherwise, people will try to bully you. It doesn’t mean being rude, but rather be very clear about you expect and when to step out.
This is the wrong way to think about it. If there was an underserved need around which could easily make money with no input, someone else would have already filled the gap.
You have to think of something more challenging to solve and where you have an opportunity only a few people have.
Are you good with photography? Developing? cooking? then dig into that
Just go to your local supermarket/fastfood/town hall and ask people that question. If they have ideas, offer them to take their email and you’ll contact them soon. Once you have a certain answer coming up multiple times, dig on that idea
It’s a marathon, not a sprint. You’re not even past the middle at 35yo.
Maybe don’t write a chatgpt presentation about your podcast when it is about connecting with the audience and telling them stories.
Also you were director of sales and rely on chatGPT to project cashflow?