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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023

  • It is next to impossible for people who are currently a generation ahead of you to tell you what the best way for your generation to make money is. I always use tech as an example but tech was the millennial generations big money careers it’s not anymore. We ran that well dry and it’s up to the next gen to uncover their own path. That being said you have to think far far ahead to make it work and that has always been the case.

    You aren’t in a unique situation you are in the situation every generation of human has ever been in and now it depends on what you do about it. If you can figure it out you can reach your goals but if you keep waiting for someone to figure it out for you you are destined to just float as the garbage does. Advice is just meant to be things like work hard stay on the goal and similar advice for how to achieve your dreams. It isn’t meant to give you a dream. Generational wealth is powerful too but it is held in a pedestal like it is more valuable and impactful than a good idea but look at all the billionaires and their “generational wealth” for the most part is first generational wealth not dozens of generations and you can find plenty of examples where generational wealth collapses as well as any other.

  • My buddy is addicted to cars in a bad way. He used to make like 500k a year but the stress of running his own business got to him so he bailed and went to a corporate job in Florida that was like 75k a year. He is back up over 100k but probably barely. Anyways he had a lump of cash and could no longer finance his car habit so he dumped it into a few popular cars he wanted and put them on Turo. They paid for themselves and then some and he gets to keep the toys. It wasn’t highly profitable but it was a practical idea for him.

    If you want to make more money on it then instead of buying a Ford raptor or a corvette you could put something like a ford transit van or something. Having the latest models is great for renting for a short time. I have a cyber truck getting ready to arrive and I might put it on there for a ridiculous price for a month or two but it won’t last. Something like a van for moving at a reasonable price would be better. One you can do like a minimum half day rental and maybe turn it around twice in a day or minimum day rental maybe but people will realistically only use it for like a short hour long haul a couch from one side of town to another.