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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


    1. Renewable energy will inevitably boom - energy as a whole is in a secular growth trend as we will require more and more energy. I forget the exact number but we will need a staggering amount of increased energy production to sustain. Nations want energy independence more especially after the Russia-Ukraine invasion so renewables has to be part of that story.

    2. Uranium will also need to be part of that story since nuclear energy stands as our best option for cleaner energy if we can get past the politics and the misguided and unwarranted fears post Japan meltdown.

    3. The “shovels” in the AI revolution. So the NVDAs, AMDs, SMCIs of the world. And the Cloud companies like the big tech google, amzn, msft etc.

    4. I think travel in general continues to grow. As many can’t afford home ownership they will decide to experience life through travel and tourism instead. As social media influencers continue to show unrealistic globetrotter lifestyles - many will be enchanted and try their best to emulate. Also boomers love cruising. I think they will rebound in a big way. CCL and NCLH are still in the dumps.

    5. I think therapy continues to grow and is in a secular growth trend as well. Mental health has become a welcome discussion and mainstream all throughout society and is no longer stigmatized. All people, but especially men will seek out therapy more and more often. And as the insurance industry adapts and the government adapts - there may be a sustained growth.

    6. Pet food and other products. The “humanization” of pets is a continuing trend. People really do love and treat their pets like family and will pay for the best food, care, beds, toys, leashes, treats, etc. I actually think Chewy will be a great long term investment if they can sustain their market leadership even though their financials don’t look great at the moment.

    7. When we talk about EV - we think cars because we are Americans (most of reddit). But I think the electric two and three wheel vehicles will experience a boom globally. Scooters are already popular. But also E bikes and E motorcycles.

    8. Gene editing technology. Anything related to gene editing and adjacent will experience a massive boom. Gene editing is the AI level revolution in the healthcare space. The applications are literally limitless. It will change they way humans age and fight diseases. It all comes down to how fast governments will keep up with regulations.

    9. I think Industrial RE continues to outperform. Industrial real estate involves properties used for industrial activities, such as manufacturing, distribution, and storage. This includes warehouses, factories, and facilities designed for production and logistics. In the context of growing industries, the demand for industrial real estate is often tied to the expansion of e-commerce and global supply chains.