Could get a cash secured credit card using only EIN. You usually run that for couple years and get a none-secured card. Without you being a personal guarantee, I don’t believe banks will issue business credit cards.
Could get a cash secured credit card using only EIN. You usually run that for couple years and get a none-secured card. Without you being a personal guarantee, I don’t believe banks will issue business credit cards.
Reality is, all employees think they can do better than the owner, they think they’re smarter and more capable than the owner. 90% of your employees will steal. Whether it’s a product, money or an idea. Your job is to proof your business so they won’t be able to. Given that in 20 years you couldn’t achieve that, that’s on you. People are shit.
This is going to turn into a life advice at the end I can feel it.
How old are you? How many kids do you have? If any, how old? If not, are you planning to have any? Do you own or rent? How much money do you have saved up and how much of that you’re willing to risk? How important is your time to your wife? Do you think you can be effective in front of a computer or are you an out and about people person?
It’s rare that a 23 year old has a wide perception like yours. Most likely because your parents raised you well…In emphasis.
From what I understand, you’re basically asking if you should be a bit selfish and focus more on personal goals or try to secure your parents’ future first. Sooner than later that is. I believe there is no right or wrong answer to that. No one can blame you if you make any of those decisions. We all know that family dynamics are different when it comes to immigrant families. They’re more emotional. I bet if you share your dilemma with them, they’re going to say “Oh don’t be silly, we will be fine. You go on with your own path.” You will frequently feel guilty if you decide to do so and feel salty and anxious if you don’t follow your ambitions asap. I totally get it. I’ve been there in a similar past.
I think the best way to find out the answer is to think ahead. Run scenarios in your mind and evaluate outcomes. Where will you be in 7 years? Making how much in a corporate position? And where will your parents be? You said the business is slowly declining. Is their house paid in full? Any money saved up for retirement? Health care?
Don’t want to suffocate you with grim reality but eventually your parents become your kids and you become their parent. How good of a parent do you think you will be? Now, imagine if you get married. That’s gonna be a curve ball.
Great news though, you’re only 23. You could totally bring freshness to their construction business and lift it up. Set a goal of five years, increase revenue for three consecutive years and sell the company. Fill any financial gap your parents might have. Best part is, you will still be only 28 years old. You mentioned investing. This is investing. Money will pass on to you anyway. Whether it’s 15 years later or 30. But it’s there. Real estate capital, stock market fund, whatever.
Kiyosaki’s Rich dad, poor dad was written in 1990’s. Things were different. He recently said Bitcoin is going to a literate million dollars. It’s a good book, great values to learn from but I personally wouldn’t let it influence me much. Simply because the circumstances have changed since it was written.
One last thing…Learn more about stocks, read company earning reports, buy them, sell them but do not trade option contracts.
I wish you good luck friend.
How many acres? If any or combination of the lands is large enough, you could sell one to finance a cattle, lamb/sheep or chicken operation. Not sure about your country but there are a lot of youtube videos based in US that goes through detailed finances of growing lamb and sheep. It looks decent in profitability.
Some years and years ago, I heard about this website that sends a single potato anonymously to a person of your choice. On it, a massage written with a sharpie.
Laughed hard but then I went deeper on researching it, I realized it made millions in revenue since founded.
It’s definitely a good practice to do so. It will simplify expenses even if they are are ink used for the printer or Microsoft Office subscription. You’re asking if you should and I’m asking you why wouldn’t you?
I’ll give you a different perspective. It’s probably a trust issue versus a price issue. You may be the greatest guy in town but I’ll be honest, if I can get a ride for 10 bucks from Uber or from a known taxi cab company in town, I will pick them any day even if the price is twice as much. Why? Piece of mind knowing the driver’s information is recorded somewhere versus just a appearance of the driver and the car.