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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 22nd, 2023


  • You have a very real point. Part of it is also people want to learn and get out of this worker bee state where they don’t feel appreciated by their boss or company anymore. Everyone is over it and trying to learn how to grow and improve.

    I failed a few different business ideas myself but each time I learned something that I didn’t know beforehand so I don’t necessarily see it as a failure if you learn something.

    I recently started kind of a coaching business teaching entrepreneurs and wanna be entrepreneurs valuable skills that can either use in their business or make a business out of. Teaching stuff like Marketing, SEO, etc. I occasionally have people ask me about e-commerce and other stuff that I’m not the most knowledgeable about but I know enough to point someone in the right direction on.

    That being said I always tell people hey if you work hard maybe you will make it. You have a higher chance of making it if you work hard where as if you do nothing you won’t ever make it. But your going to fail, your going to have hard days, your going to have days when you ask yourself why are you doing this? Things will be rough, this is not a get rich quick scheme, this is a grind, learn, grow, improve, and learn some more with a bit of failure sprinkled on the top. Keep at it and you will succeed in the end, give up and well that’s a wrap then.

  • You have a very real point. Part of it is also people want to learn and get out of this worker bee state where they don’t feel appreciated by their boss or company anymore. Everyone is over it and trying to learn how to grow and improve.

    I failed a few different business ideas myself but each time I learned something that I didn’t know beforehand so I don’t necessarily see it as a failure if you learn something.

    I recently started kind of a coaching business teaching entrepreneurs and wanna be entrepreneurs valuable skills that can either use in their business or make a business out of. Teaching stuff like Marketing, SEO, etc. I occasionally have people ask me about e-commerce and other stuff that I’m not the most knowledgeable about but I know enough to point someone in the right direction on.

    That being said I always tell people hey if you work hard maybe you will make it. You have a higher chance of making it if you work hard where as if you do nothing you won’t ever make it. But your going to fail, your going to have hard days, your going to have days when you ask yourself why are you doing this? Things will be rough, this is not a get rich quick scheme, this is a grind, learn, grow, improve, and learn some more with a bit of failure sprinkled on the top. Keep at it and you will succeed in the end, give up and well that’s a wrap then.