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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023

  • I highly recommend you learn how to use ChatGPT. Their latest updates have made far more usable and useful for anybody. You don’t need to code. I don’t code. It’s a tool that will give you a diverse range of skills overnight, and it will broaden your options moving forward.

    You said you don’t have skills, but i’m sure you do. You just don’t see your potential. ChatGPT is easy to learn. If you can send a message in Reddit, you can use ChatGPT.

    That is a must, not a maybe. It doesn’t matter your opinion on that either because Ai will be as commonplace as computers, so if you learn how to use the tool, you can quickly get ahead of a lot of people, including anyone who wants to be a luddite.

    It’s important that you don’t dwell on what you don’t know. Don’t beat yourself. Don’t be hard on yourself. The most important thing you can do for yourself is to make a decision to focus on learning and drop any ideas you have about your limitations.

    When you approach life as something that you want to learn how to thrive in, it can give you purpose and motivate you to slowly climb this game that you have been underperforming in. Nobody ever taught us the rules of life.

    We were born on some random day, and our parents basically tossed us in a metaphorical football game without ever explaining the rules. You will never win a football game without knowing the rules.

    So, master Ai. Buy the pro/plus version if you can afford it. This is your most important tool-- it can create a website for you, write all the articles, write all your emails, help you brainstorm business ideas for your exact situation and give you good advice based on who you are.

    It can make short movies, make music, create graphics for a marketing campaign, create an original marketing campaign, build you apps that work, and on and on it goes! If it i on a computer, it can do it.

    I recommend you learn how to do keyword research as it will tell you how big any market is in any country or globally. I personally like keywords Finder because it’s the easiest to use, and they have a good eating system, instantly telling you how competitive a specific market is.

    It is made by “Mangools.” Make sure you are in the right place because other brands use the same name, and they show up beside it. It goes by “KW Finder” by Mangools." Yes, it costs money, $20 to $50 /mth.

    The reason this is essential is that it will give you the data you need in order to determine if a market is big enough for you to make money. This is a must, and it will also allow you to discover markets you never would have considered. For example, you should explore obscure markets to find out how many people per month search for specific keywords, like: Best birdcage for backyard, I feel tired, fun christmas gifts for 25 year olds…

    There are a lot of indepth tutorials on YouTube. Start watching.

    In a perfect world, you find some type of business at the intersection where you have a genuine interest and curiosity but also intersect with a big enough market where you can make money. There’s no point in pursuing an idea in a market that only 120 people actively search for each month.

    As a good scientist does, follow the data. If you follow the data, you’ll find the right opportunity for you to pursue. I would recommend you simply learn how keyword tools work and then start searching. The entire world will begin to open up.

    Take notes or save results or copy-paste them into a spreadsheet. If you think you found a potentially good market, write down the keyword with its search volume—even if you have no intention of doing anything on that market. Over time, you will be a master at evaluating markets. One step at a time.

    You need to start ASAP. You need some momentum, and the act of doing what I suggested will have you slowly feeling empowered because you will be actively taking action toward a worthwhile goal.

    Get ideas from chatGPT. Maybe find a prompr or simply ask it to write you a prompt to learn about who you are today, find your blindspots, find what your ideal life, etc.

    You need to know the truth so you can start where you are but never be trapped by it. Life is a process. No matter where you are, just focus on “what can i do today to move my life in the direction of my ideal life?” Every day, always, when you feel stuck, ask yourself: " Don’t worry about the future. What can I do right now to help me learn and actively move me forward toward the life I want?"

    You need to fill your mind with good ideas, with voices of people who see the good in you. I don’t believe in pretending life is good when it isn’t. Be honest with yourself and use your frustration and anger as fuel to take tangible action.

    Good luck. If you have any specific questions, let me know. I have nothing but good intentions in writing this.

    Oh, and read books on decision making, logic, and problem solving. If you can’t reason, you can’t make good decisions.

  • That was a disappointing answer. Something I wish I would have done when I was younger—I wish I made money my top priority and specifically, learning about money and consciously trying to figure out how to make money and applying all if my energy to doing it when I was young.

    People often talk about balance, but the people who say that are already rich and successful. Don’t listen to them. If you’re wise, you’ll use the energy of your youth to solve the money paradox. You have unlimited energy, so use it to make a lot and learn as much as possible so you can get ahead.

    Most people spend their youth partying and getting drunk, well, that’s how it was when I was a teen in the 80’s. We didn’t have computers or Ai, so it was very difficult to do what i’m suggesting now, back in the 80s.

    I was always chasing my dream of being creative, pursuing a job where i could express myself. I ended up in the video game industry, which was only cool for a few years because the one single thing I learned after many years of pursuing nonsense was that what I wanted was to uave have control over my life and how I spend my time.

    Beneath my search for self-expression was something quite simple to choose how I live my life. The only way to achieve that is to be independently wealthy. Once you have a good amount of money and skills on how to make money, you can then use your money to do the things you want to do. Money buys you freedom. It’s simple.

    But the one thing most people don’t want to do is sacrifice their life to be able to be in control for the rest of their life. If you have you work day and night for 120 hours a week for 5 years, so you can find the money-making idea that will give you a life of freedom, wouldn’t that be a good trade off?

    Time will move on either way. Why not make money a priority and master all aspects of money and business. Believe me, do it when you are young.

    There is one thing more important than money, and you need this skill in order to reach your goals. The first thing you need to learn is how to make decisions, solve problems, logic and reasoning, mental models, and how to predict the future.

    The most important skill to a good life is how you make decisions and the various forms of reasoning and logic you use to make better decisions. Most people make mistakes and then learn from them. That’s inefficient and unnecessary.

    You need to learn to make decisions without having made the mistakes, but you have the clarity of mind to be able to analyze a situation and make an unbiased decision. The sooner you reach that level, the quicker you will achieve your goals. Most people waste decades making bad decisions. You need to learn how not to make obvious mistakes so you can shorten the road to success.

    Sorry, this is a little rushed. I’m not sure if anyone will find this useful. If you have any specific questions, let me know.