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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 16th, 2023


  • I don’t think you have identified your problem correctly. 1.7mil for 18 employees is super inefficient. this is good news though. You can fix this. You are tired cuz you’re doing way too much for just 200k. You need to trim the fat. I bet half your employees and half your customers need to go. Read the book The Pumpkin Plan. There are about 30 amazing books on this exact topic.

    You also need to get to know the operations inside out. No way you can delegate what you don’t fully understand. You’ll delegate to the wrong people who will make you hate your business and drive away your top clients leaving you miserable

    For reference, I have a painting company 2 full-time employees. We do around 580k revenue, I personally take home 230k. We have zero issues cuz I control everything and choose everyone. Employees are closer than family. they are paid more than any other job. Customers are very happy cuz nothing ever goes wrong.