In NY, especially Manhattan has the most billionaires in the US. Next, the eastern end of Long Island/Sag Harbor and surrounding harbors and beaches. Restaurants and resort clubs. But do you have social skills? Are you well educated? An excellent conversationalist? An interesting person in your own right?
Do you “know stuff”? Not that I’m criticizing you without knowing you, but if you can’t contribute to anything interesting to another person who’s probably surrounded by highly accomplished and highly educated people, why should they talk to you, let alone let you into their graces or reveal any insights or “tips” to get rich?
Tip: Being a good golfer or tennis player could maybe, maybe help to spend some time with them.
I was dumb to not invest in Amazon. I was too focused on commercial investment real estate and thought its returns were so superior, why bother with equities? I was definitely wrong and regret it. But hey, I’m still young, blah blah.