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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Are you offering that much as a cofounder outside of a concept? You’re asking for someone to do something for free that they can get paid six figures for no problem.

    Finding a CTO versus finding a free engineer are two different activities.

    Does your idea have any IP? Can it not be done easier by an already existing app? Why would anyone give a shit about your idea especially with a marketing budget of “can’t afford to pay an engineer”.

    Look, your concept honestly doesn’t matter. It could be great. Maybe with 10M you could build it and it would be amazing with solid retention and become a unicorn. But we will never know because it doesn’t work like that.

    Learn how to code. Build something yourself as simple as possible and see if anyone cares.

    Otherwise, give up. You’re wasting your time and everyone else’s. You could be building niche knowledge that makes you valuable down the line, which will be far more profitable.