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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023

  • Hey there,
    Firstly, kudos to you for recognizing and wanting to overcome this fear. It’s completely normal to feel apprehensive about putting yourself out there, especially in the online space. Many people can relate to the anxiety associated with public visibility.
    Here are a few tips:
    Start Small: Begin with small steps. You don’t have to go from zero to a hundred overnight. Gradually increase your online presence and become more comfortable with sharing.
    Focus on Your Passion: Remember why you’re starting your online business in the first place. Channel your energy into your passion and purpose, and let that drive you forward.
    Accept Imperfection: Understand that not everything has to be perfect. People appreciate authenticity. Embrace your imperfections, and don’t let the quest for perfection hinder your progress.
    Connect with Like-Minded Individuals: Seek out communities or groups where others are facing similar challenges. Sharing experiences and learning from others can be incredibly empowering.
    Set Realistic Goals: Define achievable goals for yourself. As you accomplish smaller tasks, it builds confidence and makes the larger goals seem less daunting.
    Visualize Success: Picture the positive outcomes of sharing your content and achieving your goals. Visualization can help shift your focus from fear to the potential for success.
    Remember Your Worth: Your opinions and ideas are valuable. Don’t let fear undermine your worth or the impact you can have.
    Lastly, don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s okay to feel fear, but don’t let it hold you back from pursuing your goals. Take that leap, learn along the way, and remember that growth often happens outside your comfort zone. You’ve got this! 💪🚀

  • Pricing in the realm of collectibles, especially those dependent on perception, can be a nuanced process. While a percentage-based markup is a common approach, it often depends on various factors such as brand reputation, exclusivity, and perceived value. Here are some considerations:
    Market Research: Investigate similar products in the market. See how they are priced, taking into account factors like material quality, limited editions, and artist reputation. This can help you gauge what customers are willing to pay.
    Perceived Value: Consider what makes your product unique or premium. If there are elements like limited editions, artist collaborations, or unique features, these can justify a higher price point.
    Cost Breakdown: Ensure you cover manufacturing costs, overhead, and other expenses. Factor in the time and effort invested in creating a limited or special edition product.
    Brand Positioning: Establish how you want your brand to be perceived. If you aim for a luxury market, pricing can reflect exclusivity. On the other hand, if you target a broader audience, a more affordable range might be appropriate.
    Customer Feedback: Engage with potential customers or your target audience. Understand their expectations and what they value in collectibles. This insight can guide your pricing strategy.
    Scarcity and Demand: Limited editions or scarcity can drive up perceived value. If there’s high demand and low supply, you might be able to command a higher price.
    Transparency: Be transparent about your pricing. If you can justify the costs and articulate the value, customers may be more willing to pay a premium.
    Remember, it’s a delicate balance between pricing and perceived value. Regularly assess market trends, gather feedback, and be adaptable. Also, consider consulting pricing experts or utilizing resources like industry forums to gain insights specific to your niche. Best of luck with your pricing strategy! 🌟💰

  • Congratulations on taking the leap to start your own business! Your background in tech, coupled with nearly 15 years of experience in vehicle safety technology, fleet telematics, and patents ownership, positions you well for success. It’s inspiring to see someone with such confidence and a clear vision for their venture. Best of luck with your new endeavor! The road ahead may be challenging, but your enthusiasm and expertise will undoubtedly pave the way for a successful journey. Keep us posted on your progress, and feel free to reach out if you ever need advice or support from the community. Cheers to your exciting new chapter! 🚀👏