Have an idea or skills so good that people want to throw money at you.
Have an idea or skills so good that people want to throw money at you.
Why would you aspire to be in forex instead of equities? It’s possible to get an edge in forex but by that time you’ll have an even larger edge in equities, a smaller less liquid market. All advantages big firms (PhD math/stats guys, cluster of h100s, special trading priviledges) have in equities is larger in forex but their margins are lower.
The graph is useless without more info. Some apps only have a useful life span of a few weeks and more features isn’t going to change that.
It sounds like your primary motivation is money, and if that’s the case, getting good grades and studying something that’s lucrative and will be in demand for the foreseeable future like CS/Math/Stats is the path with the highest expected value. The vast majority of people here are earning significantly less than their counterparts in big tech/finance while working much harder and being significantly more stressed out.
Whichever one is going to make you more money? How could we decide for you without more details?