Hey everyone,

I’ve got to share this with you because, honestly, it’s been a wild ride.

6 month ago, I was all in on the crypto wave, working hard and feeling like I was on the cutting edge.

Then the market crashed, few months later, I was out of job.

I felt it coming, with all the massive tech layoffs, I knew I needed to diversify my incomes. This is when my flatmate told me about a guy running a design agency by himself and was doing crazy numbers.

I think we all know the story of Brett from designjoy.co and his productized service.

Think of it like a (very expensive) gym membership but for design. People sign up, pay monthly, and get a set amount of design work. It seemed so straightforward, and I thought, "Hey, I could do this with web development.”

So I took Brett’s course and joined his community to learn how he was doing it and start my own venture with all the right cards in hand.

But getting started wasn’t a walk in the park… As a software engineer, seing that you’d need to connected dozen of different tools to run your agency to finally offer a shattered experience to your subscribers was unthinkable.

After talking with a lot of different people trying to start a productized service, I decided to work on making this process easier and accessible to all.

That’s when I decided to build https://breeew.com. It’s a simple platform, but I’m proud of it!

It helps you create and manage productized services, it essentially reproduce DesignJoy workflow but from a single place, you never need to do any manual action, everything is automatically managed for you. (I spent a lot of time on making the perfect UX)

Anyway, fast forward to today, I actually started by own productized service (liberto.dev) and generate $8K monthly recurring revenue.

It’s not just the money (though that’s pretty sweet), it’s the feeling of being my own boss that’s truly priceless.

I know a lot of you out there are hustling hard, maybe feeling a bit stuck or looking for a side gig that could turn into something more. I’m telling you, if I can do it, so can you. 😅

You’ve got the skills; you just need to put them out there in the right way.

If you’re curious about how I made it work or just want to bounce around some ideas, I’m here for it. Let’s help each other out.

And hey, if you want to see how https://breeew.com could work for you, go take a look. I built it to help people just like us get ahead.

Catch you later,


P.S. Really, go check out https://breeew.com or hit me up. Let’s make things happen.