How is Life?

I wanted to come here and ask the people how is life going for you at this weird time. I’ve noticed since ab bout the middle of May that business for me and plenty of others, slowed down drastically! Summer is usually a ghost town because of vacations so I wasn’t shocked there. When August comes, we prepare for the back-to-school rush but to my surprise; most stylists were only booked for 1 week/weekend. It got really scary when we watched September roll in and the Saturdays were as quiet as Mondays. No walk-ins, no phone calls, no prebooks, no nothing! With the holidays coming up the books still aren’t filling up!

I’ve been doing research and remember for like 9 years straight being a hairstylist was a top 10 career choice. Ever since COVID-19, it’s not even in the Top 25. People got so used to managing their hair at home, we went from a necessity to a luxury. Hair is becoming too expensive because everything else is skyrocketing and if you have sense of course you would choose groceries over a balayage! It’s sad to see my industry like this but I’m not gonna lie I’ve seen it coming. If inflation gets too out of hand, the beauty industry will crumble. Probably not to pieces but it definitely won’t have that shine it once had 10 years ago.

Since the decline, I’ve started to move my business to content creation, e-commerce, and digital marketing. It seems to be the #1 career choice across the board. It’s not as fun as hair but it is kind of cool to take the content I had from a few clients and turn it into a tutorial to help people at home. I’m hoping through my endeavor that I make enough income to become financially free and possibly move out of this country or at least be off the grid. It feels so uneasy right now, there is so much stress and pain, grief from 2020. I just want peace and tranquility. A chance to breathe.

I’m interested to hear what your industry is doing. How it is affecting you and your family? Your mental state. Your beliefs of what this country is doing/headed towards. And whatever else you want to get off your chest. This is an open forum so no judgment, just freedom to vent. Let’s talk and be there for one another!