Hello everyone!

I work in an Occupational Therapy center for people in the early stage of Alzheimer’s. We have around 12 staff and volunteers, and 25 daily participants. We have all sorts of activities throughout the day, with both various staff taking care of various activities, as well as a lot of the participants have their own personal schedules.

But it’s getting too much.

Until now we’ve been able to organize everything manually, with printed schedules and group messages. But it’s time to upgrade. My boss’s boss asked me to look around for a scheduling software we could use. We need to be able to see the activity schedule for the day, and the week, and who is responsible for each activity. But the most important part is that it has a “read-only” user, so our participants can get notifications and announcements, and see their personal schedule. This feels like something you’d use in schools, with different classes, teachers and students.

If one here has experienced with such a scheduling software, please point me in the right direction.

I can imagine this is a very common problem to encounter, but navigating all the ads to find a software that actually is user friendly on both the admin and read-only side is really hard. We don’t need 300 extra features, just a way of managing class schedules for our employees and participants.

Love and peace 💓