I’m in the process of creating a holding company for 3 of my businesses (only about $4M total) and funneling dividends to the holding company to acquire additional businesses with. I’m looking for some additional resources to better solidify this plan. Anyone know of any books on successful holding company inceptions or resources on the following things?

  • Structuring the Holding Company: How can I structure my holding company for optimal legal and tax benefits while ensuring efficient management of multiple subsidiaries?
  • Acquisition Strategy: What strategies and due diligence practices are most effective for identifying and acquiring new companies to add to my holding company?
  • Governance and Management: How can I set up effective governance and ensure balanced management across diverse subsidiaries within my holding company?
  • Growth and Scaling: What are the primary obstacles in scaling a holding company?
  • Exit Strategies: I’m looking to grow, not necessarily exit, but I want to be aware of exit strategies like when to divest subsidiaries or sell equity in the holding company itself, etc.

I have several ideas for each of these, but figure I should know as many options as I can before committing. Advice is appreciated, thanks!