Hi, I operate a Cafe with my spouse and one of our premium drinks is a loaded (non-alco) tea. It’s not a brand name like lotus or herbal life but something of our own creation. It is very popular and several customers have told us they would like to buy it in a can form or squirt bottle over ice.

My question is how do I even go about that? I assume I would need to trademark the name and link up with a co packer? Are there FDA requirements to meet?

Any help would be appreciated.

  • stlwebdev@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I’ve seen some breweries have small machines that enable you to can a drink after filled from the tap. I think you can find them for $400 - $700. Found some when searching beer canning machine.If you’re already running a cafe and have a kitchen this could be a good way to test if your cans sell? If you are looking to go bigger and get in on store shelves you’ll have to convince a retailer or grocery store or something to take on your product. You would probably want to look at contract manufacturing. Pretty much you pay a company to make your food or drink and package it.