I’m a Serial Entrepreneur. I’ve started and run several different companies over the years. In 2009 I started having some health issues. Then in 2012, literally the day after getting back from my honeymoon, I had what was diagnosed as Bell’s Palsy at the time. But I had numbness and weakness that went down my right arm to my elbow. I also had significant cognitive deficits that looking back make it look more like either a TIA or Stroke.

I was running several large Mental Health websites at the time and they went downhill quickly as I did the same. I eventually sold them and stepped away from basically everything in order to focus on my health. It’s been a hard and interesting road. As a result of the event in 2012 I believe, I developed a Seizure Disorder. Things are finally mostly under control after some medication tweaks.

Anyway, the Seizures and other health issues (Stroke, Heart Attack and resulting recovery) led to the development of the new business idea. The problem is I’ve been out of the loop for basically the last 10-12 years as a result of my health issues.

The product is at the MVP stage and we’re working on finalizing a large scale test with the help of a Senior Apartment Complex and two Fire Stations on Denver. The test will hopefully provide hard and soft data that our product saves First Responders a good amount of time on scene and can therefore save lives.

How do I approach this with potential investors?