When I was quitting weed I relapsed a lot.

It took me 3-4 months of consistent trying and failing until I finally got it gone.

I would constantly run back over and over again falling into the same daily habits.

It was all because I was doing this thing wrong and didn’t learn from my mistakes in the beginning.

As soon as I made this change and adopted this my life changed.

And to say I still use this to this day in the pursuit of my success.

I still continue to optimize it to work for me not against me.

That one thing is,


I believe your mindset is a majority of the battle in any area of life.

After all,

Your thoughts become your actions, and your actions shape who you are.

Developing the right mindset about weed that it was harming me and that it was stopping my goals made it much easier to give up.

When I had a big reason for quitting I still failed.

It was only when I combined it with my mindset that I succeeded.

I started to remind myself over and over again that it was ruining me and every puff I took brought me one step farther from that reason.

All this goes to say that no matter what area of life you are going into, If you don’t have the right mindset it will make it very hard to achieve what you wish to achieve.

Adopt the right Mindset for every area of life and watch how much harder you work.

But once again, Until Next time.

If you are someone who is quitting weed, has quit weed, or debating quitting weed comment below and let’s have a chat.

Quit Weed. Dream Big. Get Rich.

  • SolarM-@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    OP is less than 20 years old. I’m 25, and I grew up around other males who have overcome cannabis habits and other vices. They, in their yet-to-fully-mature manner, deliver these sermons and sincerely believe they are helping others. OP is likewise typing this from a place of goodwill.

    Interesting how, no matter the particular vice, they communicate their little stories in a manner eerily reminiscent of this post. In a few years’ time, OP will likely look back and see this “hear ye” proclamation (which he deems appropriate to repost time and time again) in quite a different light.