I’ve never seen anyone calculate profit for a customer/job by the hr, when it included COGs and was not just direct labour. Is this not common?

If for example, at a company:

Overhead: $50/hr Hourly wage: $20/hr Total hourly cost: $50 + $20 Charge customer: $70/hr to breakeven (before cog)

  • Cost of goods is $100 per unit.
  • You’re charging a 15% markup, so: Markup per unit = 15% of $100 = $15
  • 5 units per hour ($14 per unit in direct labour).

Total revenue: 5 units @ $129 per unit = $645 top line / hr ($70 per hr labour + 500 COG)

Would it be a correct to assume that, if producing 5 units/hr at $15 markup per unit, you’re effectively making or charging $75/hr profit?

Therefore, you can use this to compare jobs to see which is the most profitable per hour, as though in every job you may be charging 15%, if the COG is drastically different this could result in different potential hourly profits?