This might be a really dumb question but after my experiences recently I’ve come to feel like for some reason when it comes to being an entrepreneur there’s almost this crazy domino effect that seems to take place. It could all just be a coincidence or the effect of setting multiple things into action but take my most recent experience since leaving the company I worked for. I left and started my own SEO company and things were barebone dry. I had spent hours upon hours calling to companies who might be interested, sent out thousands of emails to no reply, and worked through social media groups day and night just to even get a conversation that would go past “Hey my name is…” and for the longest time I had absolutely nothing as nobody was willing to deal with me or even hear me out.

Then just like I mentioned in my last post, I landed my first client and it almost seems that the world has begun to turn in my favor. Since landing that client I’m not sure if I’m speaking differently, standing a little taller, or whatever it is but I’ve been able to book my next 5 meetings with potential clients whereas before I couldn’t even get people to hear me out. Now am I saying that all of them are going to sign, But it is a huge step from where I was previously and I’m not sure if this is a similar feeling for anybody else but it almost feels like when it rains it pours because the tides are changing in my favor and hopefully I can continue to ride this wave and make a real living for myself doing something I enjoy. But does anyone else feel similar to this?

  • travelguy23@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    I guess all that practice of reaching out to people improved those skills and now it’s showing. Also, it’s often easy to notice when someone is desperate for a client or not. So maybe they noticed that.

    But you did the work and are now reaping the rewards.