Hey everyone,

I’ve been a software developer for several years, dabbling in various projects and always harboring the dream of building my own SaaS product. It’s a path I’ve wanted to walk for as long as I can remember. And today, after countless hours of coding, debugging, and numerous cups of coffee, I’m incredibly relieved (and too nervous at the same time) to share that my MVP is finally live.

The road here wasn’t easy. The comfort of day job didn’t help speeding things up and the stress during the day made progressing on this hard. Like many of you, I’ve grappled with self-doubt, faced the monster called procrastination, and juggled the fear of putting my creation out there for the world to see. Would it be good enough? Would people find it useful, or would it just get lost in the vast sea of products and services available on the internet?

I’ve experienced the need for such tool in my previous endevours but couldn’t get it out sooner due to life. It’s initial MVP and there’s a lot to add to be competitive.

Yes, there are other AI tools out there that have similar and better functionalities. The market’s buzz might center around bigger names or more hyped-up products. But this isn’t just another product for me. It’s a milestone. A statement to my journey, my challenges, and my perseverance.

This is a testament to what’s possible when you push past your fears and finally take that leap. If there’s anyone else out there sitting on a project or an idea, afraid to launch because it might not be “perfect” or “unique” enough — just remember that every creation is unique because it carries a piece of its creator with it. And sometimes, the journey and the learnings are more valuable than the destination.

For those curious, I’ve built an AI chatbot tool: ChatPuma

Thank you for letting me share this milestone with you. 🚀

  • tonyng97@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Congrats on the major milestone.

    Had tried it a little just now, and here’s my feedback about the bot. I have tried conversing with the bot in a few different languages, and it seems like most of the time despite when I’m using other languages, the bot still chooses to reply in English instead of the language I am using. Think this might not be ideal, especially for websites that target non-English speaking audiences such as Taiwanese and Japanese (I tried both Japanese and Chinese, and the bot simply replied in English).

    • zoroberet@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      Hi and thanks for the valuable feedback! It’s something i’ll look into as my goal is to exactly target non-English languages as a core value proposition. Appreciate the time and feedback!