I run an online health coaching business with my husband that we started in April of 2019. I absolutely love my job, I love working with my clients and helping people change their lives. But I’m feeling so burnt out trying to continue growing our business. And to be clear we aren’t failing, we’ve grown by 5-10% year over year even in 2020, but as our life as grown and the world has gotten more expensive I have this constant sense that we need to grow faster.

We’ve done SO much to expedite it, hired multiple marketing services, social media, YouTube, live and table events, blogs, etc. Nothing has really sped this up. And while I know this is just the process that all business owners go through and have to just push through I’m having a hard time actually pushing through.

Does anyone have suggestions on finding the energy to keep doing this until we finally get to a stable place?

And for context, we are a luxury service with luxury prices so we have raised our prices several times to try to lighten the load without sacrificing our income. That helped minimally. We’ve also even still have a service that is running ads for us (but those are picking up steam slowly as well) to take some pressure off there. But there is always something I could be doing to help us grow and lately finding the motivation to do anything more than just the bare minimum is a struggle. Right now this is only affecting my ability to work on growth but I’m very concerned if this continues it will start to bleed into my coaching and being helpful and effective for my clients.

  • MrJustinF@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I started and grew my own business and experienced similar… burnout(?)… or maybe “disenchantment”.

    The turning point for me was realizing that I had 100% control over my reality. I was the boss so I could change my role at any time. I was making excuses before, like thinking no one else could do what I did so I had to be the one doing it. I was wrong. Hiring myself out of those tasks was the best thing I ever did, and actually, they did it better than me in the end.

    I guess what I’m saying is that the sooner you realize you’re not trapped at all b/c you have ALL the control, the better. It’s empowering. Then, make the moves to change your reality.