Van Leeuwen, a humble ice cream brand that began its journey in 2008 with nothing more than a single ice cream cart. Fast forward to today, and Van Leeuwen boasts 50 locations across the United States, with its products stocked in major retailers like Walmart and Whole Foods

The intriguing part? Its growth all came from simple concepts.

Here’s how they did it:

1. Packaging That Whispers “Pick Me!”

In the world of consumer goods, the battle is often won or lost on the store shelf. This crucial moment, known as the “First Moment of Truth” (FMOT), is when a customer decides which product to choose. Van Leeuwen understood the power of this moment and invested in packaging that was nothing short of mesmerizing. Gone were the flashy designs and loud labels. In their place, Van Leeuwen opted for clean, pastel colors and generous negative space, conveying purity and quality. In a sea of ice cream containers with cluttered designs, Van Leeuwen’s packaging stood out. The result? A remarkable 50% increase in retail sales, proving that sometimes, the best marketing is a silent one.

2. The Power of Collaboration

In today’s marketing landscape, collaborations are the stars of the show. They offer a swift route to press coverage and an immediate surge in demand. Van Leeuwen’s collaboration strategy is centered around its artisanal ingredients. Whether partnering with renowned chefs or household names like Kraft, they create one-of-a-kind flavors that captivate taste buds and headlines alike. Their collaborations extend beyond the gourmet world. In 2021, Van Leeuwen teamed up with Kraft macaroni and cheese for a limited edition flavor that sold out in less than an hour. This summer, they joined forces with Uber to offer an exclusive ice cream flavor to Uber One customers only. Each collaboration not only elevates the brand but also generates the coveted earned media.

3. Local Engagement: Where the Magic Happens

As Van Leeuwen expanded into new markets, they knew that building a local presence was paramount. They turned to the power of community engagement through PR, events, and influencer partnerships. When entering the Houston market, they collaborated with local Chef Hugo Ortega on a special flavor, creating a buzz that echoed throughout the city. Launch deals and tantalizing prizes further fueled excitement and encouraged trial.

Key Takeaways

What can your business learn from Van Leeuwen’s success?

Expand Your Definition of Marketing:

Marketing is a vast landscape with strategies that go beyond traditional ads. Explore creative avenues that align with your brand and budget.

Packaging as a Silent Salesman:

Your product’s packaging is your unsung hero. Invest in design that not only captivates but also conveys your brand’s essence.

Collaborate with Impact:

Seek partnerships that resonate and provide unique experiences or products.

The Power of Local:

Building a local presence is crucial, especially when expanding. Engage with the local community to establish a loyal customer base.

Know Your Audience:

Successful marketing begins with a deep understanding of your customers’ preferences and behavior. Tailor your strategies accordingly.