I have a startup CBD company. My CBD oil is extracted directly from a USDA organic farm and I have gotten the Organic label approved. I started selling it in stores through a wholesaler and it has done very well. The wholesaler I was using is now out of business so I want to strictly sell it online. I have the website setup. Because there are no middle men in my supply chain I can offer it cheaper than anyone. My question is do I price it very cheap to get more customers or would that give an illusion that the product is not great. CBD oil is severely overpriced and I can tell you it is not that expensive itself but starting the company and setting it up s. So since I don’t sell it through a wholesaler now don’t know the best way to sell my product. Do I get individual distributors? Sellit as a licensing fee? Sell it as an mlm with many level of distributors? Do I bring in a partner? I just need for people to try it pecause believe me I use it myself and it is amazing There are only a handful of legitimate USDA organic cbd oils on the market and mine is one of them. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks