We have an app that will capture the contact info of anonymous website visitors for re-marketing.

They don’t have to take any action on the website, if they simply just visit your website, even if they click off instantly we can capture their contact info.

This is a great way to convert WAY more of the traffic you’re paying for and build up a big email list fast.

If you wanna check out a demo let me know

  • Serenity867@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Hey, just letting you know that the laws around this vary significantly from country to country, state to state, and so on.

    IANAL. However, I see you’re aware that this is illegal in the EU due to the GDPR. However, what you’re also doing is illegal in various places in the USA as well, notably, California. It’s also illegal in Canada despite your business being registered inside or outside of Canada. In fact it’s illegal in so many places that you’ve essentially set yourself up for a variety of potential (probable) lawsuits. Combined with some of the new BOI laws that are coming into force there’s a remarkably high chance that you’re going to be personally identified and able to be held personally liable given that the corporate veil can be pierced in situations where the law is fragrantly broken by an individual.
