If there is one tool out there that has contributed significantly to the proliferation of spam in emails, it’s apollo.io. There is a market of data scrapers that provide contact emails and cellphone numbers for as little as one cent, from apollo.

This little price has established it as a convenient option for swift trial-and-error campaigns, frequently centered around mass emailing to cast a wide net to generate leads. Achieving a 1% reply rate is considered a significant milestone, while a conversion rate of 0.1% is hailed with admiration. lol
So if your email is in apollo, your spam has definitely gone up a lot. For instance, my primary company email, which is included in apollo database receives a daily of 50 cold emails, in contrast my other company email, gets 5 cold emails a day max.

So what can you do?

  1. Request Removal: If in EU/California, request data removal in apollo https://www.apollo.io/privacy-policy/remove
  2. Avoid Emails and numbers listed in apollo: Don’t use them. Move to a new email and let that old email be there.
  3. Get paid for emails and meetings: Make VP of Sales pay or donate to charity for your time using fozzie io and wynter com. If you feel unethical about it, then get donated to your fav charity or put in your teams budget for some team activity or recreation later. b2b meetings cost an upwards of $500, at the very least, you should have some pie of it.
  4. Gmail Filters: Filter out spam phrases. like “came across your profile”. “dont miss out”, “While I understand that plans might have changed since our last conversation”, etc.
  5. Have gmail extensions like sanebox, fozzie to auto reply to every cold pitcher, to pay for your time in order for you to prioritize their message.