Sorry for the second post of the day guys! I had a lot of ideas listed down on my notion for the past few months and finally I decided to validate those ideas on here.
Hi Everyone, I wanted your feedback for a product I’m intending to build. I’ve been in the podcast video editing industry for around 2 years and have seen good success. We charge around $150 -$350 per episode or $2000 for subscription packages for multi-cam editing, intros, layout designs, clips, segments etc. Now in terms of clip creation we’ve seen a lot of startups like Opus, Vidyo etc. come up. They are pretty trash in creating full length clips but gives you a good idea for sourcing clips from which parts.
But full length episode edits are still a pain in the ass. There is a premiere pro plugin ‘Autopod’ that does automatic video editing for podcasts but it’s not quite practical because it doesn’t use the Multi-cam feature of Premiere pro and revisions are going to be quite hectic. Also you need to be well versed with Premiere pro and have a decent machine to make it work. Also it does not support single track audio (which is what I get 99% from my clients)
I intend to build a web based automatic multi-cam video editor that can detect multiple speakers from a single audio and perform the multi-cam editing automatically. Web based video editors are not quite popular because of the latency involved. What if we could build a web based podcast video editor that runs locally on your device, but the instructions for camera flipping algorithm is created by the audio file using speaker diarization. The algorithm would be created in the cloud and send back to your machine to perform the task. Multi-cam switching is 90% of the job tbh in podcast editing. I understand you’ll require a decent machine for local editing. Maybe we could create proxies on your device, or on cloud. Let’s say we figure it out to put minimum pressure on your machine. Also the product is just for multi-cam podcast video editing. It’s not intended for any other purpose. All the features would be niched down to just one purpose - video podcast editing. It’s not a general video editor.
Now this is a rough idea, I know when it comes to execution it’s going to be super tough. It might not be as straightforward as I mentioned. The speaker detection might be trash, the web interface could be horrible but Imagine we figure this out. What I need to know is, is this something people would be interested in? Would people invest for a software that can automatically edit your video podcasts, that too unlimited? You’ll have the option to remove segments, add lower thirds, add layovers, add Intros, clip out segments etc. Maybe we’ll bring in templates for lower thirds, background designs for branded podcasts? Essentially a simple editor than can be accessed via browser even by a newbie. Video podcast editing being mostly mechanical, this could be a good automation.
Let me know your thoughts! I would really appreciate your help. Also developers feel free to roast me if a multi-cam editor on a browser is a stupid idea. :)