I want to ask you all something.

I work a lot with e-commerce and marketing agencies through my development agency. We create various AI and automation systems for businesses, such as onboarding agents, customer support agents, custom CRMs, and automated outreach systems.

We have worked extensively with these business , and I find the solutions we develop very exciting. I love the work I do, but sometimes I feel that we are not fully exploring and expanding our abilities and limits.

I’m interested in signing new clients from different industries. These don’t have to be “glamorous” industries, but I want to meet new people. Because , our service delivery is very fast, and since we have built similar projects before, we don’t have to spend much time thinking. I sense that my team and I are becoming bored, and I feel it’s time to start working with new industries.

However, here’s the problem: I don’t know which industries to target, and because of that, I’m uncertain about what offerings to propose.

I’m considering starting a campaign where I offer services at cost, or offer zero setup fees but with a monthly retainer if the requested project requires it.

So, I’m turning to you for insights as part of my research. What industry do you think I should target, and where can I find potential clients? It doesn’t have to be a special industry, it could be something like waste management (not to hate on them, just as an example).

Any help is appreciated!

Please share the industry you work in and what you think could be improved with a custom AI solution. You can either comment below or answer some questions in a Google form (I’m not trying to sell anything, just conducting research).

Your insights and suggestions are greatly appreciated!P.S. I’ve shared this on some other subreddits already, but I thought I’d give it a shot here too, to see what insights and help you guys can offer.