Hi! I’ve helped grow websites to 6 digit figures and rank high pages with competitive keywords with SEO and make some effective & unique paid campaigns.I want to help you guys get the same results.

Why? Because:

  1. I’m bored and It’s a Wednesday night
  2. I love this sub. I’m pretty sure I’ve read literally every single post in the Top Posts of All time for the sub.
  3. To be honest I might get some leads out of it. Yes, I do this for money. No, that’s not why I’m posting this.

Obviously, I’m not going to give you a full audit - just some surface-level stuff I can spot in 10-20 minutes.This offer lasts till I feedback 15 websites or It gets too late in here in the UK.

So - here’s what you need to do:

  1. Link to your website
  2. Let me know what you want me to look at - website copy? marketing? SEO?
  3. Any specific info that you want. E.g. Do you want to know which marketing channels might be relevant for your business? Do you want to know if your articles are good for SEO? Etc.