Related to US. With revenue coming in, how do you decide on what to pay yourself, what to re-invest in the company, etc? Do you have a financial advisor helping out? Do you feel you have a good understanding of how to optimize your revenue / pay your taxes etc?
I personally struggle with a lot of these questions and ponder if its time to find a financial advisor.

  • captain-doom@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Also, it never hurts to pay yourself as little as you can live on for as long as possible.

    Despite having a successful business I lived on a college kids expenses for 10+ years after college. This allowed me to have money to invest in retirement, stocks, and grow the business as needed.

    vs lifestyle inflation.

    I highly recommend going that route if you do well delaying gratification and don’t compare yourself with others constantly.

    Keeping your lifestyle in check makes running your business much easier, then one day it will be very clear you can start to open up the wallet more if you want. Longer you wait the fatter the wallet will be though.