I’m looking to make a career shift into manufacturing.

To be smart about it, I’m trying to speak to small manufacturers to learn about their stories and the challenges they face to better inform myself on where I can add value in the industry.

I tried cold emailing local shops in my area for a quick call but haven’t had success. I offered free financial consulting in return for their time.

Any recommendations on how I can reach small manufacturers?

I’m considering more direct approaches like cold calling or showing up at their shop. But before I do anything, I wanted to get people’s advice in this sub!

For the small business owners out there, what would be the best way for a young guy hoping to break into your industry to get 20/30 minutes of your time?

  • DotPotential4057@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think thats subjective. When I used this approach and clients would ask me what happened with the “book” I just said that its taking longer than I thought it would and then give them a new deadline which was months away and by that time, they had forgotten it…

    The thing is, I liken this method and various other ones that are based on lies as “white lies” that parents tell children to help them… So if you get a client through a lie and you truly help them, does it really matter if you lied about some book? Personally it doesnt matter to me…

    So to answer you question, no it would not be unless you get caught, but then it depends on when you get caught… was it 1 month in? Then probably they will push you away. However if its like 6 months or more then all that would happen is they would get mad but thats it… they may piss and groan but they will still value the relationship you have with them.

    I used to have severe problems with lying and being dishonest but I heard an asian woman once speak about deception and lying and how its viewed in the east and west. In the east, deception/lying is viewed as a given, its natural and they expect it and get concerned if you dont do it. If you ever look at animals, they also use deception, for example tigers have spots on their ears that look like eyes from afar… thats deception right there… or when raccoons feels threatened they stand up and make themselves look bigger to predators - thats also deception/lying… the point is, its natural to deceive/lie… however in the west (probably due to christianity) deception/lying is viewed as something thats morally negative and an absolute sin which is why we often feel ashamed, sick, and disgusted with ourselves when we do it. Anyway, after hearing her speak about this subject, I reflected and realised that its perfectly okay to do these activities to achieve my goals otherwise Im shooting myself in the foot… Im not sure if this will help, but its something to at least think about.

    And thank you for thinking my methods to madness were creative. Let me know if there are any other questions you got.