This is my 2nd employee. The first one I am going to have to fire.

It’s due to a lack of effort. Phones and music are allowed due to the job being monotonous. Every time I pass by their office they quickly get off the phone.

I can tell when someone is trying or not with this specific job. Also, I have asked and stated to ask me any questions if needed. Expectations are clear.

This is the 5th day they are working for me. Do I need documentation?

  • Brad-SBC@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    I’d ask myself a few questions if I were you.

    1. Did I set clear expectations on what is expected and what is not allowed?
    2. Have I given any feedback yet on their performance as to where they’re at with my expectations?
    3. Am I 100% positive that they know exactly what they’re supposed to be doing?

    If your conscious is clear on all of these, then see what your hiring contract says. Usually there’s a probationary period that makes it very easy to fire someone. If you don’t have that and their performance is bad, just let them go. You’re going to waste more money on a wasteful employee than them trying to collect unemployment after 5 days.


    All that being said, this sounds like a hiring issue. You’ll learn with time what to look for during interviews.