Okay I think the 2 things that are really getting to me lately is that

  1. I have been running 50% off sales and I feel like if I can’t make sales during this time of the year, then I truly am a failure.
  2. I have a 0%apr credit card that goes back to having interest in January and I still have 6k to pay off (I recently put 6k on it that was not made by my business so really had 12k debt)

I am a very blessed person. I’m a sahm and our family is not balling by any means but we aren’t dependent on my business succeeding for bills or groceries.

Things have been going really well in my life outside of my business but I cannot move past how hopeless I feel because I’ve failed to even make 6k after nearly 9 months of putting in so much time and effort.

I try and dwell on the positive - like how my husband is supportive and how I really like having a project to work on anyway so doing this has kept my mind sharp and I’ve learned so much But i still feel like I’ve encountered SO much bad luck, like spending 2 days trying to take professional looking photos and they looked great on the camera screen but came out blurry in Lightroom - that’s just one example but it’s a LOT of stuff like that. Things that even though I try to have a positive mindset and tell myself - you’ll really only fail if you give up now. Anyway, I know it’s wild because there’s so much competition but in the most consumer driven, spendiest time of the year I still can’t get it right And now my only options are take money I didn’t earn to pay off my bills or transfer my balance to ANOTHER 0%apr credit card with a transfer fee. Either way all I see is the finish line ahead in the distance and knowing that I’m not going to get there. I guess I’m just looking for a sympathetic ear and anything I can do to be more positive! I hate being sad around the holidays!

  • DotPotential4057@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I read a lot of the comments and noticed that you get overloaded with information in regards to marketing and so I would like to recommend you Dan Kennedy NO B.S. books. Start with these two “Ultimate Sales Letter” and “Direct Response Marketing for Non Direct Businesses” - from these two you will get a very clear idea of what marketing is. There are basically 2 overarching categories of marketing 1. Traditional/Big Corp Marketing and 2. Direct Response Marketing.

    Your focus should solely be on number 2 at the start before moving to number 1 otherwise you will get yourself confused. Essentially Direct Response Marketing is this: A product, a story, and an offer. The beauty of direct response makreting is that its trackable. For every piece of marketing you do in this field, you can accurately see what worked and what didnt by the sales number.

    A few ideas to sell your product not involving marketing…

    1. Approach businesses that sell complimentary products/services to yours and ask them if they would include your product as a free bonus for in their offers in exchange for % of profits they make using this deal. Yeah you will make less than if you sold it yourself, but you arent selling any so, nothing to complain about I guess. Anothet thing and more importantly, this way you get your product out and potentially will recieve new customers (worst case potential hot leads).

    2. Since you sell baby stuff, you can contact people who work with pregnant women like yoga, newborn classes (where ppl teach you about newborns) and whatever else is there. So you contact those folk and tell them that for every product they sell, they get 50% of the profits…

    3. Host “tupperware” type parties and sell your products there. This is a fairly simple and effective method of gaining sales and new customers. The run down of this idea is as follows - invite friends/acquitances to your home for a homeparty sale. Make sure that you explicitly state that there is going to be product pitching/selling involved and that there is going to be FREE alcohol and food (many ppl wont pass this up). This “bribe” is so effective that you can even get strangers who you have known for 5 minutes to agree attending your party. So you host the party, and first start with shittier products or products that you have no intention of actually getting sold. This way the folk will ease in and alcohol will hit in as well. So you do that with 2 shitty products and it should take you 30 to 45 mins. Now finally the 3 product which you have every intention of selling. Make sure your sales script is as best as it can be and make sure to devise some “theatrics” when revealing this product… then you just basically do a sales pitch. Dont wuss out on asking for the sale nor become wimpy/timid when speaking about that subject. Make sure to list the benefits/features and guarantee…

    Whats also great about method 3 is that you can get others to join in with you and basically “work” under you.

    I hope a few of these ideas helped. If you got any questions let me know.