I was looking for some advice. I have (what I believe anyway) an idea for an app that would be highly profitable, but I don’t know anything about coding, if the idea is possible, the legalities, or anyone to assist me.

I dream of a scenario where someone could hear it out, know what to do with it, and make it work. If anyone is interested PM me.

  • Longjumping-Ad8775@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Ok, the first thing you need to do is to take all of your ideas and put them together in your head, and then sit down and document them. Come up with a coherent idea. Don’t worry, right now, it’s just a bunch of ideas flowing around in your head, and we all understand that. Write these ideas down and come up with something that makes sense and you would feel comfortable in saying and explaining to someone else.

    Once you have something coherent, talk to some people that have experience in that area. See if the idea makes sense to them. See if they and some of their contacts would sign a letter of intent to purchase. Only if you can get a few signers would I even then think about writing any software. No sense in wasting time on something no one will buy.

    Good luck!