I am 20 years old and my business has tanked.

I have $300 left to my name and I need to start cash flowing as fast as humanly possible.

My plan is to get back into sales cash flow 5-10k per month then roll that money into entrepreneurial ventures

I have two years of sales experience -Tech SDR -logistics AE -selling my own offer (small business SAAS)

My question is: What type of sales should I pursue

  1. Tech sales
  2. Commission only High ticket closing for personal brand offers (coaching, courses, etc)

I really dislike the corporate space but I know I could land a pretty high paying tech sales job fast with my resume.

High ticket sales is what I really want to do but the barrier to entry is much greater. It’s all about who you know, networking and would take time that I don’t have

What should I do. By this time next month I NEED to be making 5k minimum per month

  • Ron-Erez@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Not enough info. You have $300 left and what are your expenses? Do you pay rent? Live at your parents? Pay for school? Have three children?

    $300 doesn’t sound like much but it really depends on your expenses. Most people say get a job, any job, as quickly as possible. They’re probably right. But it really depends on your expenses. If you have zero expenses then you can be a little more picky.

    Sounds like you have skills, then use them. At the same time try to develop other skills.

    Regarding your question. Go with “tech sales” if you cannot survive on $300 and once you can breathe again go into commision sales.

    Perhaps you could combine the two ? Such as selling tech solutions for personal brand development or working for a tech company that offers personal development courses.

    • chaz8900@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Even with zero expenses, $300 is gonna be a tough stretch just to pay for gas and lunch to get to the new job until that first check comes in, which some places pay out the previous pay period so could be 3/4 weeks until check comes in