Hey Everyone,

I recently launched my web design agency and decided to kick off with cold calling. I’ve reached out to about 100 businesses, particularly painters in Toronto with basic websites, offering a no upfront cost deal at $25 a month for hosting and maintenance for my first 20 clients. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen much traction. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong or if my offer needs tweaking? I only do static sites so basically no e-commerce would that be limiting myself?

  • Additional_Zebra_861@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    My friend started painting business. He spent like $10 per day on facebook ads and over few weeks was booked for next 5 months. Many painters do not need better websites, they get customers by reference based on a quality of their previous jobs. There are very few good painters and many households that need to be painted.

    Once he realized he can get any amount of painting orders he want for few $, he wanted to hire painters to work for him. And there he found out, that it is super hard. Only bad paiters without good reference or some other issues were willing to work for him.

    So I think, you picked wrong target. Generally if a website looks like a shit, and the business did not bancrupt already than the shit design is not a problem they would like to pay for to fix.

    Someone here mentioned that crap website is actually good price/quality of paint job indicator.

    There is similar pattern with cars. A plumber who drives 10 yeard old average car is much better welcomed than a plumber driving mercedes. The cheaper car, the better. Most people have no idea how much the service should cost, but they know if the worker is poor, his margin is low and that is what helps people to navigate in such decision making.