Hello! I was thinking about buying Adcreative but I would like to see other’s opinion first, does anyone uses it? I saw also they give 500$ in google ads credits, if you use it, did you get it too?

What I think it does:
I see they generate the creatives, generate headlines and you can choose the goal of the creative, for example if I want it to generate sales, to be engaging with the audience, and also that I can connect my ads account so it can use AI to see my ads data and which creative I use so next time I can generate creatives that were previously working.
For now that’s what I understood it does, but I’m curious to learn more if you have experience with it.

My question:
If you use it, can you also share real life examples of how you use it and results? I own an agency and making creatives are kinda consuming a lot of time of my team so I hope the software would help =)
If you use other software that does something similar, would you mind sharing it? I’m trying to solve this problem at the moment on my company that is generate creatives that converts without the need of so much time and also to use data to know what works what doesn’t, my agency is small and we work with a small team and every hour is really important for us, I’m open to any software that could fit in an agency. =)