Hi. I can travel to anywhere in the world for almost free. What would be the best way to earn money from these travels. What I have tried until now:

- I bring and sell electronic products (like apple products or similar) and sell

- I search, find and bring collectibles and sell

- I record historical places wherever I go and, I upload it to the YouTube.

Unfortunately none of them are working properly or fast enough. Do you have any thoughts to suggest ?


  • DesignersonDemand@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Hey there!

    I totally get your desire to make money from your travels. It’s a dream many of us have. 3 business is hard to runs might be why but here’s some friendly advice:

    Selling Electronic Products: It’s a good start, but it’s a tough market. Try finding unique or special tech items to stand out.

    Collectibles: This can be a neat side gig, but it takes time to find the right items and the right buyers. Keep learning and growing in this area.

    YouTube: Sharing your travel experiences is fantastic, but building the following takes patience. Keep doing what you love and your audience will grow. It takes some time to find your voice (I’m sure you already know it)

    Remember, your brand is crucial. It’s not just about what you do, but how you do it. Be yourself, stay consistent, and connect with your audience.

    It may not be an instant success, but building a strong brand over time is worth it. Having help from an outsourced creative team can always help with guidance. Feel free to reach out or join our entrepreneurs community

    • elabicu@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      Hey. Thanks for all long details and advise. Relly appreciate those and they are really helpful for new starters, but I must say that I have gained more experience than these, than I stuck, than searched than write to this subreddit. I wish I can find my “reply”

  • notsocialwitch@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I know someone who has grown buying electronics in New Hampshire (tax free state) and selling them in UAE. Deals with Apple products.