Alright, let’s get real. My journey from a self-doubting manager to a confident leader was one heck of a ride.

The Ugly Struggle:

Here I am, in my 30s, landed what I thought was my dream job. But leading a team while drowning in self-doubt? It felt like walking on a tightrope without a safety net below. Sleep was elusive, and every meeting felt like a trial by fire.

The Turning Point:

I kept wondering, “Why am I so damn scared?” Was it fear of flopping big time? Letting my kickass team down? The impostor syndrome of feeling like a fraud in my position? It was a cocktail of all these doubts.

The Game Changers:

  • Embracing the Ugly:

Confronting my insecurities head-on was nothing short of terrifying. I first admitted to myself that I was knee-deep in doubt, then shared with a close circle, and ultimately with my team. And guess what? The world didn’t end; in fact, I found unexpected allies and support

  • Digging Deep:

I got super introspective, reflecting on my values and how they tied into my professional life. I turned to journaling as a release valve, allowing me to unpack my feelings, fears, and ambitions. And man, did it unearth some profound stuff.

  • Kissing Failure on the Cheek:

Newsflash: every leader screws up. When I did, I learned to embrace it. Each stumble became an opportunity to grow, reshape, and refine. The process was slow, sprinkled with a good deal of mindfulness meditation to keep my sanity in check.

Throughout this journey, I leaned heavily on tech, with the help of apps like Wave AI, HabitBull, and Coachme. Insights, strategies, and accountability to my goals? These were my lifelines.

Chin Up, Boys:

Struggling with self-confidence as a leader is no joke. You won’t always find answers in a shiny self-help book or overpriced seminar. Often, the solutions lie deep within, waiting for you to dig them out. So chin up, take a deep breath, and dive in. You’ve got this.

  • overweighttardigrade@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    For those who are looking into their values: Pick 3 that you feel would bring out the best version of you, do it honestly. Then use these to direct your decisions, if it’s not one of the 3 you chose then it doesn’t matter, the 3 you choose do matter and every little or big step towards these values will put you in a better position. Integrity Responsibility Respect Perseverance Excellence Adaptability Courage Humility Empathy Gratitude Vision Creativity Collaboration Balance Generosity Simplicity Patience Positivity Wisdom Self-discipline Trustworthiness Compassion Determination Independence Loyalty Open-mindedness Fairness Transparency Accountability Graciousness Tolerance Courageousness Resourcefulness Orderliness Generosity Resilience Authenticity Patience Forgiveness Altruism Curiosity Flexibility Assertiveness Environmental Consciousness Mindfulness Professionalism Innovation Optimism Self-reflection Empowerment Selflessness Grace Caring Decisiveness Respect for Diversity Collaboration Honesty Health and Well-being Moderation Community Involvement Resoluteness Humor Wisdom Mindset of Abundance Spirituality Acceptance Harmony Reliability Ambition Gracious Acceptance Sacrifice Self-awareness Simplicity Sensitivity Family Values Philanthropy Independence of Thought Spirit of Adventure Loyalty to Principles Initiative