I own a small residential moving business and had to downsize over the last few months due to the change in seasons.(Winter is usually the slowest time of year) Ive been in business for about 3 years now and since the pandemic Ive noticed a decrease in traffic and sales to my website and business.

Demographic: Men and woman ages (25-45) Average income $60,000 a year

Area: Charlotte Metropolitan area

I have a marketing background, but have been unsuccessful with gaining momentum with my marketing. Currently I have a following of about 500 people on both facebook and instagram. I created the website myself but it seems that after people look at the first page they exit my website.

My website is RobertRileymoving.com

Any help is appreciated.

  • HardlyEverWrong@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Your website says you cover NC and SC but lists Atlanta, Miami and DC?

    None of the social links at the bottom work. This is a red flag. Either create pages and/or properly link them or remove them.

    Moving is too competitive so your website will never generate traffic on it’s own without either paying for Google ads (which will bankrupt you) social media or Google maps presence.

    Now days people want to see reviews so you need to get something going on Google maps asap. Otherwise you’re just some rando guy with a Uhaul and a templated website who might run off with all their shit.

    After all this, post in local FB groups but don’t spam.