Hey there

Posting here instead of a sub about mental health or something similar since I suppose their advice will be more inclined towards “go on vacation” or “go for walks, learn to delegate”.

I am super burned out and can´t afford to stop working. This is an endless circle of Im not as productive so I work longer hours that never ends.

I´m (21F) in uni, have a job in marketing and have a business (been doing this for a bit less than a year) that has just gotten into a startup accelerator, about to launch a marketing agency with a co-founder and an AI product with another co-founder, this one will take longer to see the sun.

I know it looks like I have a lot on my plate, and I probably do, but I have talked about the projects with mentors and investors and they think they are genuinelly good, I can´t stop or choose one or the others.

I also don´t have the funds to employ someone yet, and I think even if I did I don´t think i could have someone doing what I´m supposed to be doing (yes I have a bad case of “want things my way”).

I go on walks, to the gym, read and spend spare days in bigger towns museum hopping every now and then, but I can´t stop myself from looking at things in terms of ROI: I might go to a museus, but I´m lowkey looking for inspiration for designs for one of my ideas; I might go to the gym but i´m just trying to look hotter because I´ve seen how much better people treat me than others for my looks (also would want to try modeling so I´m getting my measurements in check for that). I might read something but only if its related to business, M&A, mindset…

I take long as f* getting ready in the morning when I used to jump out of bed and get straight to work, and can´t really feel strong emotions anymore: not a lot of joy, not a lot of sadness either, I only ever feel super happy when something i had been working on materializes.

So… what do you do when you´re burned out but can´t stop? What are things that keep you from burning out? Do you have a very strict routine or go with the flow as the day goes?

  • LucidWebMarketing@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If you are not passionate about what you do and been forced to do it, I suggest to quit university. You’re 21, an adult, take control of your own life. Don’t worry about what others think, your parents included.

    You should still make friends, cut off those older friends you’ve had who don’t have the same values. Besides, a friend who resents you for your success and is not happy for you, is not a friend. If you don’t need a boyfriend, fine, but do have some kind of social life.

    I believe that once you clean up your life - get rid of toxic friends, do what you are passionate about, have boundaries with friends and family - you’ll feel much better and not be burned out.