About to launch a service, here is my landing page, and I would love to hear your opinions/thoughts/bugs you might find:
Is anything terribly off?
Thanks in advance for your time! 🙌
About to launch a service, here is my landing page, and I would love to hear your opinions/thoughts/bugs you might find:
Is anything terribly off?
Thanks in advance for your time! 🙌
Copy: creating your own online store doesn’t cost “thousands of dollars”. It costs less than 20 bucks a month on most respectable platforms.
The success of your sale is limited by the number of your social media and Whatsapp contacts. That’s not a perticularily large audience. So hownis it better than posting on eBay where hundereds of people will see my ad every day?
I’m not actually asking you to get an answer. These points are just some food for thought.
Hey thanks for the feedback! 🙌
All those respectable platforms have a community around them of consultants, designers and bla bla bla… And they are not doing it for free.
Aside from that, the audience is not limited as you describe it at all: wherever you can share a link, you can have an audience.
Thanks for the feedback once again! 🙌