I’m looking for a business partner myself to help me with my wedside on etsy as well.

My name is Victory and I’m looking for a business partner that I could team up with to grow up digital shop online (print on demand) I created the website one month ago and I alredy made a sale with it. The only thing is that since I’m under age, I need someone above 18 so that it could help me verify it. (I’m 16). I have been serious in making this website for a while, believing I could make passive income that could help me by the time I independice myself completely from my parents. I’m interested in someone who could help me post things on social media while I still post more products each weak into the platform. Of course, we will both have access to the password of all our accounts, and everything will be talked about. I’m we will discuss how this can be improved we will change roles as well. I’m not asking to work every day since it is unrealistic for me as well, but every week, we will work, learn, and communicate since consistency is something important for me. My future plans for 2024 after I learn, improved and succed to make a high profit on etsy is to expand our business to the next level: maybe opening a website when we can sell all tips of thinks for all kpop grupos or futbal fans, or maybe opening a shopify/amazon/tiktok webside. We will be decided together. PLEASE do NOT expect you need to have experience cus I’m new at this as well, and posting or making digital products is not hard. We just need to learn how to attract customers. I would also like to create a strong relationship with my partner, knowing what their future goals, aspirations, and plans are to see if we align on the same path.

If you are interested please contact me here on reddit and tell me what you think and I’m actually very serious about it and I believe it is possible.

Everything we do it will be equal since it will be a partnership, of course, so don’t worry*