I’m extremely confused, I have been building out our consumer based app for 2.5 years now. I have been talking to our users and building features based on their feedback non-stop.

But here’s the crazy part, all the issues our users bring up could easily apply to our direct competitors, yet they are doing great despite serving a similar audience.

Why is it that our users leave because we don’t have x, y, and z. Yet our competitors also don’t have x, y, and z yet thrive despite serving a similar market?

  • JacobStyle@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Your app is a task manager for families. Maintaining an organized task list for an entire family over the long haul requires a lot of discipline. You will never, ever, in a million years, retain more than a tiny sliver of your new users. It’s just not gonna happen. Also, you won’t get real feedback because your former users will never say, “It seemed like a good idea at first, but I am too fucking lazy to keep up with all this.” They’ll opt instead to come up with some excuse about missing features or UX problems.

    Your dedicated lifelong users will come slowly. They will always be a teeny tiny fraction of your new users. Once you have them, though, you really have them.

    Are your competitors actually thriving solely by maintaining a large user base with minimal churn for a dedicated family task manager app? Unfuckinglikely. They either have other apps in their portfolios, or they are not actually making money.