Pretty much as above. Am Mortgage free, no income as I will be a stay at home dad as of Jan, 34 years of age, wife will be earning more than enough to cover all domestic expenses.
Ideally it will be something I can do from home.
Pretty much as above. Am Mortgage free, no income as I will be a stay at home dad as of Jan, 34 years of age, wife will be earning more than enough to cover all domestic expenses.
Ideally it will be something I can do from home.
I’d take a job and learn skills that way. I’d be getting paid to learn. In fact, that’s what I did.
I’m curious what skill you learned by working. What were you paid to work on?
I learnt programming. Some friends from uni learnt accounting. Non-uni friends learnt trades like electrician, plumbing, etc. Most people I know learnt their skills at their jobs.
Even people who started jibs at the bottom learnt skills at work and got sent on training courses to enhance their skills.