Yep, you heard it right. Only two:

1️. The Map

2️. The Engine

Let’s dive into what these are and why they’re critical.

The Map

First up, the map. Think of the map as your how-to guide. Every journey needs directions , right? Here’s why:

Keeps you on track: Ever been on a road trip without GPS? Not fun. A map helps you avoid unnecessary detours.

Shows the next steps: Much like your favorite strategy game, a map reveals the next moves you need to make.

A Plan from Someone Who’s Been There: You wouldn’t take travel advice from someone who’s never left their hometown. Similarly, a good map (or strategy) often comes from someone who has already treaded the path.

Where do you find these maps? You’re on Reddit, so I bet you know some places. But just in case:

Books? Always a goldmine.

Mentors? They’re the living maps.

Podcasts? Like a map for your ears.

Reddit Posts? Sometimes, like this one you came across 😉.

Yet, even the most detailed map can’t move you forward. For that, you need something more.

The Engine

Enter, the engine. And guess what? The engine is you.

You Make Things Happen: A map might guide you, but you have to walk the path.

Rise After Falling: A map can’t lift you up after a setback. Only you can.

Push Through Every Challenge: Climbing the Everest isn’t about the map, it’s about every step you take.

Finding your internal engine is a quest on its own. Dig deep:

  1. What keeps you restless at night?
  2. What thought jolts you out of sleep?
  3. And most crucially, why does this goal matter so much to you?

Your “why” is the fuel to your engine. A clear “why” will keep that engine revving even during the toughest parts of the journey.

Piecing It Together

So, let’s paint a scenario. Engine but no map? It’s like driving around aimlessly. Sure, you’re moving, but where to? And if you have a map but lack an engine? You’re just sitting with a strategy, not moving an inch.

In essence, Success = Map + Engine. When you possess both? That’s when you become unstoppable.

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