Hi there!

I am an high school student in my senior year,and for some reason i have a little too much free time on my hands and i kind of want to make the most out of it, and since i am pretty good at coding i was thinking of creating a project on the side that i can add it to my resume later on and be useful to someone and maybe make some money out of it.

I was brainstorming last night and this idea came to my mind and I am just looking for some feedback.

Basically it is a platform where internal communication or PR persons can create AI videos of themselves for various reasons, for example let’s say you want to wish Merry Christmas to all your colleagues or to your clients, you just record one video of yourself saying that and then the app creates the rest for other persons(replaces the names, maybe you want to change the script a little bit etc).

There are many AI SaaS that do this for cold outreach but as far as i know, they are very expensive and some of them have for some reason poor quality.

I am very unsure if internal comms or pr would need this, i am gonna go on linkedin and connect to a couple of them to see if they are interested or i need to pass on this.

What do you guys think, is it worth building a landing page and an mapping out a quick mvp?