Hello to whoever reads this!
I’m a 21-year-old trying to navigate the path my future will take. I come from a lower/middle-class family, the way I’m currently living feels like a potential nightmare if it shapes my future or the resources I can provide for my future children. I understand you might wonder why I’m thinking so far ahead, but with many of my peers progressing in their lives and graduating university, I can’t help but consider my own trajectory. I want to build a name for myself, and in this era of high living costs, a normal job might not suffice. It seems like nowadays the only wealth that lasts is being born into generational wealth, which I wasn’t born into and so now I’ve gotta think outside the box.
Now, during my university break, the idea of starting a business or venturing into e-commerce (specifically, dropshipping) has been on my mind. However, navigating this market proves challenging, given the advice, some say “dropshipping is dead” while others sell their courses. It’s a bit overwhelming, and I’m left wondering where to start and who to trust for authentic guidance. Ultimately I aim to invent and launch a brand, my current wage feels inadequate for such goals. Therefore, my plan is to build my income before diving into the challenges of running a business.
I find myself at a crossroads, uncertain about the best path forward. I’m determined to make money, so any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Help a person out.

  • RockPast2122@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s not hard to find advice. It’s hard to actually take action and do something different. Everyone wants advice but very few people are willing to do anything once they get the advice. First of all you have no idea how fortunate you are. You’re only 21!!! You have something many other don’t and that’s TIIME. And no, you do not have to be born into it. The key to wealth is what you do with money when you get it. Poor and middle class people use it to buy consumable items to make themselves feel like they have money. You’re so young that you can set yourself up for life if you start making the right decisions now.

    Wanting to start your own brand is awesome and a great goal so don’t let the people around you influence your goals. Also, a phrase like “drop shipping is dead” can only come from a financially illiterate disgruntled wage earner who never did anything and still wants to give advice. Drop shipping is not a business, it’s just the method that a product is sent to your customer. E-commerce is the business. And anywho who hasn’t been living in a cave for the last 20 years knows people buy online all day every day.

    Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money. Do you know why there’s 1 million people on social media right now telling you that they will build your Shopify store for free??? Because they are AFFILIATES of Shopify earning affiliate commissions on the strore they make you!!! That’s their method of earning.

    There are so many things you can do. BUT no matter what you choose to do, you MUST put some of your income into something that will bring a return for later in life. It doesn’t even have to be a lot, but something.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to pay a small amount per month into something for the next 30 years and then when you’re 50 years old you’re able to have a $10,000 or $20,000 a month income for the rest of your life because of your investment? At your young age you can do that! You have no idea how lucky you are to have the gift of time!!! Use it!!!